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Det er viktig å bruke After Run Oil i glow motorer etter bruk. Dette hindrer korrosjon og rust i blant annet kulelagere.

Fra produsenten:

Use AFTER RUN after every run. Most fuels we use for our models do a good job of protecting your engine while it is running, however some of the chemicals used in our fuels are corrosive. These chemicals and what they can leave behind are the main reason why our engines rust and corrode when stored, even for short periods. Adding AFTER RUN to your engine protects all of the internal parts. Since AFTER RUN is a concentrated high tech corrosion inhibitor, it will last or months. Use AFTER RUN in your chain saw and weed whacker engines when storing for the winter. Wipe down metal parts and surfaces to prevent corrosion, great for all tools left in a garage or shed. Use on bike chains and cables. Coat metal push rods for use in plastic or nylon sleeves.

Helpful Hints:
Add AFTER RUN to your engine by placing a few drops in the carb air intake for a small engine, add more for larger engines, then turn the engine over by hand 6 to 10 times to coat all of the internal parts. AFTER RUN is safe for use on all metals and will not harm plastics. Wipe up any excess AFTER RUN with a water dampened cloth. To free up sticky engines, add a few drops of AFTER RUN, turn over by hand several times and let the engine sit overnight

After running engine, simply put a few drops in the engines carb or
glow plug port and turn engine by hand a few times. This coats the
internal engine parts and protects them from corrosion.

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