VQ Beechcraft Baron leveres som ARF i balsa og kryssfiner konstruksjon med ferdig betrekning og glassfiber cowling. Modellen kommer uten elektronikk så dette må kjøpes separat og installeres, moderat installasjon av modellen er også nødvendig.

- Vingespenn: 1760mm
- Lengde: 1210mm
- Flyvekt: ca 4,3kg (varierer med valg av motor og utstyr)
- Motorstørrelse: 40 2-takt x2 / 800W børsteløst x2
- Minimum radioanlegg: 6 kanaler, 7-8 servoer
- Ingen elektronikk eller motor er med i dette settet, det må kjøpes utenom.
Product details in english
Beechcraft Baron
The direct predecessor of the Baron was the Beechcraft 95 Travel Air, which incorporated the fuselage of the Bonanza and the tail control surfaces of the T-34 Mentor military trainer. To create the new airplane, the Travel Air´s tail was replaced with that of the Beechcraft Debonair, the engine nacelles were streamlined, six-cylinder engines were added, and the aircraft´s name was changed. In 1960, the Piper Aztec was introduced, utilizing two, 250 hp Lycoming O-540 engines; Cessna too had improved their 310 with two Continental IO-470 D, producing 260 hp. Meanwhile, Beechcraft´s Bonanza had been improved with a Continental IO-470-N, but the answer to competition was to make a true twin engined variant of the Bonanza. The first model, the 55, was powered by two, six-cylinder IO-470-L engines, producing 260 hp at 2,625rpm; it was introduced in 1961. It included the fully swept vertical stabilizer of the Debonair, while still retaining the four to four+five place seating of the Travel Air.
Since its inception, the Baron has always been near the top of the light airplane hierarchy
Now , VQ introduces the Beechcraft Baron 35 size EP-GP. This Baron come with 2 scale flap , 1 x painted pilots , plastic antena ,plywood seat . Also we have supplied in the kit some scale detail make by ply wood so that you can make your Baron look like a real one.
If you prefer the EP version, this Baron have the big battery hatch for easy change the battery after every flight , electric motor mount are included in the Baron kit.
If you like the GP version, you can choose our option kit for GP (VQA157/GP - buy separate) , in this GP option kit are included 220cc fuel tank and plastic engine mount to fit for 25-32/ 2 stroke.
Other options: the Electric retracts with struts (VQ-ARE13S) or Electric retracts with nose gear struts only (VQ-ARE14) are good choise for this Baron . All of them make this Baron becomes one of the best Balsa scale 35 size EP-GP twin engine in the market.
- All Balsa and lite-ply construction
- Fully covered in weathered detail
- Fiberglass cowling
- Reinstalled painted pilot
- Control surfaces pre-hinged and installed
- Two piece wing with Aluminium Wing Joiner
- Specifications
- Wingspan: 1760mm (69.2in)
- Lenght: 1210mm (47.6in)
- Electric Motor: 800 Watt Brushless Motor (x2)
- Glow Engine: 40 - 2T (x2)
- RTF Weight: 4.3kg (9.5lbs) (will vary with Equipment used)
- Radio: 6 Channels / 7-8 Servos
- Battery: Lipo 14.8V - 5000 mAh
- Light system (not included in the kit)
- Function: Ailerons-Elavator-Rudder-Throttle-Flaps
- Optional Retractable Landing Gear
- Includes
- Assembly instructions with stage photos
- Fiberglass cowling
- 1 x Fiberglass painted pilot
- Wheels and wheel covers
- Plastic antenna
- Ply wood Motor mount
- Aluminium wing joiner
- Decals and all hardware
- Option
- E-Retracts with struts VQ-ARE13S (not included)
- E-Retracts with struts (for nose gear only) VQ-ARE14 (not included)
- GP option kit (engine mount & fuel tank) VQA157/GP (not included)
- Note: Baron uses the same E-Retracs for T-34/PC-7 46 sizze EP/GP
Does not include: radio, motor, glue, and silicon fuel line