This is the electric powered, radio controlled, 1/10 scale
Sand Scorcher Buggy Kit.
Chassis: 0.08" (2mm) thick FRP main frame with duralumin plate for added strenth and flexibility
Drive: Rear wheel
Motor: 540 type
Electronic Speed Control: Included
Transmission: Single-speed
Gearbox: Transparent plastic, fully enclosed, die cast metal and clear resin components
Body: Polystyrene, trimmed and molded in white
Bumper: Front reinforced resin with integrated metal bars
Shocks: Oil filled
Ball Bearings: Full set
Tires: Front ribbed 2.7" (69mm) diameter, 0.71" (18mm) wide
Rear paddle 3.1" (79.5mm) diameter, 1.6" (40mm) wide
Wheels: Three-piece center lock, molded in white
Suspension: Front double trailing arm, die cast front and rear arms and metal uprights, swing axle rear suspension with metal torsion bars
Camber: Non-adjustable
Caster: Adjustable, caster/toe-in refers to the angle of the front suspension when viewed from the side of the car in relation to the chassis
Steering: Bellcrank type with servo saver
Mr. Yoshio Tamiya founded a saw mill/lumber factory in Shizuoka-City. Tamiya ventured into the modeling business in 1948, with a scale wooden ship model kit. Since then, Tamiya has been striving to offer merchandise that can truly be called "First in Quality Around the World."
Now Tamiya is offering more than 3000 different products, both in the fields of precision static models and high performance radio control vehicles. These products are not only sold in Japan but also exported in vast quantities to the United States, Europe, South East Asia, and to many other parts of the world. The standard of excellence achieved by Tamiya is regarded as among the very finest in the world of model hobbies.