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Tamiya 25207 LEOPARD 2 A6 UKRAINE 1/35 25207
599,- 649,- -8%

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Tamiya lanserer her sin 1/35 Leopard 2 A6 Tank “Ukraine” med støpte deler og tilbehør fra 35271 1/35 Leopard 2 A6 Tank Main Battle Tank, pluss nye dekaler som viser Ukrainas hærflagg. Den har utfyllende malingsveiledning og ny emballasje.

I januar 2023 kunngjorde den tyske regjeringen at den ville sende 14 stk Leopard 2 A6-stridsvogner til Ukraina, og senere legge til ytterligere fire. Så fra Mars 2023 var det planlagt å sende totalt 18 stk av den stritsvognen.

Dekaler i dette settet viser også et hvitt kors, et symbol som historisk ble brukt i Ukraina av grupper som kosakker.

Om modellen
• Dette er et plastsettet i skala 1/35 Lengde: 314mm.
• Leopard 2 A6-tanken – med langløp 120 mm kanon, kileformede front- og sidepanserplater – er autentisk laget.
• Leveres med nye dekaler som viser det ukrainske flagget og hvitt kors, komplett maleguide og ny emballasje.
• Gjennomsiktige deler gjengir front- og baklys.
• Vær oppmerksom på at enkelte komponenter som roterende lys, veiskilt og torsofigurer ikke er nødvendige for dette settet.
• Vær også oppmerksom på at dekaler fra vare 35271 ikke er inkludert


Fra produsenten:

Length: 314mm.

About the Leopard
The Leopard 2 was developed in the 1970s in the former West Germany, and by the time of its more modern A6 variant had received multiple upgrades to boost its offensive and defensive capabilities. While the wedge-shaped additional turret armor and the commander’s panoramic sight were carryovers from the A5 variant, its newer L/55 120mm smoothbore gun was a meter longer than previously for significantly improved muzzle speed and penetration. A6 tanks were deployed from 2001, and were even fielded by other nations such as Greece and Canada, with their own modifications. In January 2023, the German government announced that it would send Leopard 2 A6 tanks to Ukrainian forces.


About the Model
★This is a 1/35 scale plastic model assembly kit. Length: 314mm, width: 107mm. ★The refined Leopard 2 A6 form with 120mm smoothbore gun is recreated in style. ★Distinctive turret front and side additional armor is authentically depicted. ★Clear parts are included to recreate headlights and taillights. ★Includes belt type depictions of tracks. ★Decals in this kit include Ukranian flags and the white cross, a symbol historically used in Ukraine as a symbol of victory.






Mr. Yoshio Tamiya founded a saw mill/lumber factory in Shizuoka-City. Tamiya ventured into the modeling business in 1948, with a scale wooden ship model kit. Since then, Tamiya has been striving to offer merchandise that can truly be called "First in Quality Around the World."

Now Tamiya is offering more than 3000 different products, both in the fields of precision static models and high performance radio control vehicles. These products are not only sold in Japan but also exported in vast quantities to the United States, Europe, South East Asia, and to many other parts of the world. The standard of excellence achieved by Tamiya is regarded as among the very finest in the world of model hobbies.

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