Radio Link
August 2020
Båt, Fly
Enkel, men alikevel en avansert radio for bil.
4 kanals radio, leveres med 2 mottakere – hvorav den ene har innebygget gyro! Det vil si at den hjelper deg (om ønskelig) dersom bilen får en skrens / sladd, eller å holde bilen rett frem ved harde gasspådrag.
Radioen leveres med de aller fleste justerings muligheter.
- 4 Channels using FHSS spread spectrum with parallel 12ms response rate
- Anti-lock Brake System prevents sliding when braking on corners
- Fail-Safe protection can be set on Channels 1 to 5 with a low battery warning
- Includes R6FG receiver with integrated gyro to help maintain control
- 10 model memory for RC cars and boats
- Intelligent anti-polarity connection protection
- JST connector supports multiple battery chemistries: LiPo (2S – 3S) or Alkaline (6x AA)
- Programmable dual mix control, for crawler mode or any other requirements
- EPA (End Point Adjustment)
- THSPD (Throttle Speed)
- D/R (Steering / Throttle Dual Rate)
- THEXP (Throttle Expo)
- STEXP (Steering Expo)
- STSPD (Steering Speed)
- ACCEL (Throttle Acceleration)
- IDLUP (Idle-Up) for Nitro cars
- REV (Servo Reverse)
- A.B.S (ABS Function)
- ATL (ATL Function)