Hurtigbyggesett av VW Camper Van fra Airfix. Byggesettet er enkelt å montere og trenger hverken lim, maling eller verktøy for å ferdigstilles. En fin inngangsmodell for noen som ønsker å prøve modellbygging, settet er detaljrikt og pent å se på.
Antall deler
L195,2 x B80 x H85
Airfix QUICK BUILD is an exciting range of simple, snap together models suitable as an introduction to modelling for kids (ages 5 and up), or as a bit of construction fun for the more experienced modeller.
The pre-coloured pieces simply push together, without glue or paints, to build an impressive model which can then be decorated with the included self-adhesive stickers. Plane models also come with their own display stand to show off your handiwork!