Reservedeler Bil

Varenr EFL11592
Eflite 11592 Wood Prop 13x6: Extra 300 1.3m Fits: E-Flite Extra 300 3D 1.3m AS3X & SAFE Select BNF...
Varenr EFLU1382
Eflite 1382 Main Wing with Lights: Night Vapor Part Type Airframe Parts
Varenr EFL1406
Eflite EFL1406 Cowling: Carbon-Z Cessna 150 Product Specifications Part Type Airframe Parts
Varenr EFL1418
Eflite Light Set with Covers: Carbon-Z Cessna 150 Product Specifications Part Type Electronics...
Varenr EFL5368
Eflite EFL5368 Spinner: 1.5m Maule M-7 This part is used for Maule M-7 1.5m BNF Basic with AS3X and SAFE...
Varenr EFLP1570E
Eflite 15 x 7 Electric Propeller Product Specifications Propeller Size 15 x 7...
Varenr EFLA55003
Eflite Float Steering & Mounting Hardware: Float Set, Apprentice S Accessory Type Floats...
Varenr FLZA6612
ESC 40A Star Plug: Zero Select Scale ESC 40A Electronic Speed Control Star Plug
Varenr ESKY005435A
Esky LiPo Battery 1S–40C –150mAh For Sport 150/Scale F150 Cells 1S (3.7V)...