
Varenr 87063
This is a Roll of 40mm Masking Tape from Tamiya. FEATURES This is a thin, self-adhesive paper tape, developed for...
Varenr 87113
This cement uses limonene extracted from citrus fruits and is very safe to use and comes with no unpleasant smells....
Varenr 87134
Ekstra tynn sement (lim) er svært nyttig for plast modell byggeren. Limet strømmer inn i...
Varenr 87137
This new cement is specially formulated for use with ABS plastic parts such as the masts in 1/350 scale ship model...
Varenr 87164
This is the Tamiya Masking Tape/Plastic Sheeting. FEATURES Plastic construction Masks...
Varenr 87177
This is the 2mm Wide Masking Tape for Curves from Tamiya. FEATURES Constructed of soft resin...
Varenr 87178
En fantastisk maskeringsfilm som tillater å maskere kurver! Denne er helt utrolig og må bare...
Varenr 87179
En fantastisk maskeringsfilm som tillater å maskere kurver! Denne er helt utrolig og må bare...
Varenr 87180
PRIMER FOR TAMIYA CA CEMENT (PP/PE/POM) This handy primer is tailor-made for situations when you are using Tamiya CA...
Varenr 87182
Tamiya Extra Thin Cement is widely popular glue among modelers around the world. You will find it in most...
Varenr 87188
Tamiya 87188 - Multipurpose Cement (Clear) Helt gjennomsiktig lim som passer bra for å feste vanlige og fargede...
Varenr 87190
Denne veldig hendige sementen er til bruk sammen tamiya 54792 Body Reinforcing Mesh Tape. (solgt separat) Sammen...
Dekalmykner gir dekaler bedre feste, samt forhindrer uønsket «sølveffekt». Fra...
Varenr 87206
Tamiya 87206 masking tape 1mm Paper tape that can be conveniently used for different paintings A thin, highly...
Varenr 87207
Tamiya 87207 masking tape 2mm Paper tape that can be conveniently used for different paintings A thin, highly...
Varenr 87208
Tamiya 87208 masking tape 3mm Paper tape that can be conveniently used for different paintings A thin, highly...
Varenr TFL-213B90
20mm tape for tetting av topplokk. Svært få båtskrog er helt tette rundt "inspesksjonsluka", og man...
Varenr 5062
Titebond Original Wood Glue 118ml Titebond Original Wood Glue is the industry standard for woodworking. It...
Varenr 40359
UHU POR GLUE (FOAM FRIENDLY) 50ML quick-setting special adhesive for bonding hard foam such as Styrofoam®,...
Varenr 40078
UHU HART Glue 35 g UHU hart is a crystal-clear, fast drying adhesive for assembling small parts in model building,...
Varenr 840611
UHU POR Glue 40 g UHU por is a quick-setting special adhesive for bonding expanded polysterene, e.g. Styropor®...
Varenr YA-0595
Yeah Racing Double Sided Mounting Tape Feature: Mount all sorts of different items to your chassis securely with...
Varenr PT-37
Product Details: Clear, equal mix Cures in 5 minutes Fuel-proof, vibration resistant formula Flexible and...